
You can enable the following features in your digital garden, in the note settings:

Additionally the garden supports a variety of formatting and content types in your notes.

Link as you normally would in Obisidan, with the [[Wikilink]] syntax

Linking to a specific header works the same way as in Obsidian
[[My Note#Note header]]

Linking to a specific block works the same way as in Obsidian
[[My Note#^123abc]]

Changing display text for a wikilink works the same way as in Obsidian
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Code Blocks

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let a = 5;

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Some inline code

Dataview queries

list from "Advanced"

{ .block-language-dataview}
More details about dataview is available here: Dataview queries


> [!NOTE] Note title
> Information
Note title


> [!WARNING] A warning
> This is a warning
A warning

This is a warning

Folding Callouts

> [!NOTE]+ Open by default
> Folding/Collapsable callout
Open by default

Folding/Collapsable callout

> [!FAQ]- Closed by default
> Folding/Collapsable callout

Nested callouts

> [!TIP] Nested callouts
> Text inside the tip callout
> > [!EXAMPLE] Inner callout
> > Multiple nesting layers
> > > [!TODO] Inner inner callout
Nested callouts

Text inside the tip callout

Inner callout

Multiple nesting layers

Inner inner callout

MathJax / LaTex

MathJax Reference

$\frac{1}{0} = \infty$


Click on the tag below to view other pages with the same tag.


Embedded/Transcluded Images

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Transcluded documents

Whole file

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This is a transcluded note.

This is a block in a transcluded document

This is a header


This is a subheader

Header block

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This is a header


This is a subheader

Single Block

CleanShot 2023-01-05 at 17.22.27.png

This is a block in a transcluded document

It's also worth noting that transclusions do not need the dg-publish attribute. They behave the same as an image. If you transclude something into a document, and publish that document, everything that is transcluded in it will be published as if it was part of that note.

(More details on transclusion can be read here: Content Customization#Tranclusions )


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Obsidian specific features like linking to other notes inside the drawings are currently not supported

Mermaid diagrams

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graph LR;

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	    title A Gantt Diagram
	    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
	    section Section
	    A task           :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
	    Another task     :after a1  , 20d
	    section Another
	    Task in sec      :2014-01-12  , 12d
	    another task     : 24d

PlantUML diagrams

uml diagram

Highlighted text

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Here is some highlighted text


There is a footnote here [^1]

There is a footnote here [1]


- [ ] Uncheckd
- [x] Checked


The site automatically generates a sitemap.xml file, available at /sitemap.xml on your site. This helps search engines properly index your site, making it more discoverable. For the sitemap to be properly formatted with the full URL for all your pages, the plugin needs to know the base URL of your site. By adding your URL to the plugin settings, the sitemap should automatically be generated using that value.

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Atom/RSS feed

The site automatically generates an Atom/RSS feed available at /feed.xml on your site. In order for this to be generated you need to add your Base URL in the settings, like in the image above.
For the dates to work properly, you need to enable the Show updated timestamp setting under the plugin's Appearance settings. If this is not enabled, the feed will use the last date the site was built, which in practice means the last date you last published anything to the site.

Footnote source

[^1]: Here are some extra information in a footnote

  1. Here are some extra information in a footnote ↩ī¸Ž